Experimental verification of a model for predicting transient temperature distributions by focused ultrasound.


:A thermal model for predicting time-dependent temperature distributions during ultrasound heating was tested quantitatively. The relevant thermal processes incorporated in the model are heat conduction and ultrasound power absorption, and the required input parameters include the absolute ultrasound power, the shape and frequency of the ultrasound transducer, and the thermal and acoustical properties of the medium. Testing was done by heating an ultrasonically tissue-mimicking phantom with a 525 kHz, single element, focused source. The phantom has muscle-like acoustical properties and contains an array of copper-constantan thermocouples. Time-dependent temperature changes predicted with the thermal model were in very good agreement with those measured in the phantom, verifying the validity of the model for use in optimizing an ultrasound applicator design for a specific treatment situation.


Phys Med Biol


Chin RB,Zagzebski JA,Madsen EL




Has Abstract


1991-09-01 00:00:00












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