Rift Valley Fever Outbreak, Mayotte, France, 2018-2019.


:From November 2018 through July 2019, an outbreak of Rift Valley fever in humans occurred in Mayotte, France; 142 cases were confirmed. Exposure to animals or their biological fluid was reported by 73% of patients. Health authorities have been implementing control measures, including veterinary surveys, vector control interventions, and prevention measures.


Emerg Infect Dis


Youssouf H,Subiros M,Dennetiere G,Collet L,Dommergues L,Pauvert A,Rabarison P,Vauloup-Fellous C,Le Godais G,Jaffar-Bandjee MC,Jean M,Paty MC,Noel H,Oliver S,Filleul L,Larsen C




Has Abstract


2020-04-01 00:00:00












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