[Studies on some phenolic compounds in Matthiola incana].


:1-Sinapoylglucose was isolated in cristalline form from mutants of Matthiola incana. In addition, 1-feruloyl-glucose and 1-p-cumaroyl-glucose were isolated and identified by paper chromatography. The molecular weights of penta-(trimethylsilyl)-1-sinapoyl-glucose and penta-(trimethylsilyl)-1-feruloyl-glucose have been determined by mass-spectroscopy.Two additionally isolated flavonol glycosides from Matthiola incana have been found to be kaempferol-7-rhamnoside-3-(rhamnosylarabinoside) and kaempferol-7-rhamnoside-3-(rhamnosylglucoside).






Ritter-Thomas U




Has Abstract


1973-09-01 00:00:00














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