Correlation between (3H)dopamine specific uptake and (3H)GBR 12783 specific binding during the maturation of rat striatum.


:The development of the specific uptake of dopamine in the rat striatum during the early postnatal period is compared with the ontogenetic changes of the specific binding of (3H)GBR 12783 to the site of uptake inhibition. During maturation, the increase in the specific binding of (3H)GBR 12783 parallels the increase in the specific uptake of dopamine. (3H)GBR 12783 specific binding sites increase in number from day 1 postpartum until 40 days, when they reach the adult level. In 40 day-old rats, the weight of the striatum represents 80% of adult values. The affinity of (3H)GBR 12783 for the inhibition site is similar in membrane preparations obtained from 6 day-old pups and adults; this results in a same ability of the inhibitor to block the specific uptake of dopamine into synaptosomes obtained from pups or adult rats. These data support the hypothesis of the existence of a single molecular entity including both the inhibition site and the carrier itself.


Life Sci


Life sciences


Bonnet JJ,Costentin J




Has Abstract


1989-01-01 00:00:00














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