Pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention: a meta-analysis of observational studies.


OBJECTIVE:To determine the association of gestational weight gain (GWG) or pre-pregnancy BMI with postpartum weight retention (PPWR). DESIGN:Meta-analysis. SETTING:PubMed, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents Connects and Biosis Previews were used to search articles. SUBJECTS:Publications that described the influence of pre-pregnancy BMI or GWG on PPWR. RESULTS:Seventeen studies that satisfied the eligibility criteria were included in the analyses. Women with inadequate and excessive GWG had significantly lower mean PPWR of -2·14 kg (95 % CI -2·43, -1·85 kg) and higher PPWR of 3·21 kg (95 % CI 2·79, 3·62 kg), respectively, than women with adequate GWG. When postpartum time spans were stratified into 1-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-36 months and ≥15 years, the association between inadequate GWG and PPWR faded over time and became insignificant (-1·42 kg; 95 % CI -3·08, 0·24 kg) after ≥15 years. However, PPWR in women with excess GWG exhibited a U-shaped trend; that is, a decline during the early postpartum time span (year 1) and then an increase in the following period. Meta-analysis of qualitative studies showed a significant relationship between excessive GWG and higher PPWR risk (OR=2·08; 95 % CI 1·60, 2·70). Moreover, meta-analysis of pre-pregnancy BMI on PPWR indicated that mean PPWR decreased with increasing BMI group. CONCLUSIONS:These findings suggest that GWG, rather than pre-pregnancy BMI, determines the shorter- or longer-term PPWR.


Public Health Nutr


Public health nutrition


Rong K,Yu K,Han X,Szeto IM,Qin X,Wang J,Ning Y,Wang P,Ma D




Has Abstract


2015-08-01 00:00:00














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