Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in the elderly.


:Predictive value of arterial stiffness in cardiovascular disease has been recognized for many decades. Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV), as a noninvasive measurement, has been recommended as a gold standard of arterial stiffness, and we believe that this surrogate of arterial stiffness has been refined to the point that its utility in routine clinical practice need to be recommended. Considering the worldwide aging population and aging itself as a major cause of arterial stiffness, we would focus in this article, from a practical point of view, on cfPWV in the elderly, and review the current knowledge on the effect of arterial aging on cfPWV measurements, as well as the significance of its clinical application in the elderly.


J Hypertens


Journal of hypertension


Zhang Y,Agnoletti D,Xu Y,Wang JG,Blacher J,Safar ME




Has Abstract


2014-08-01 00:00:00


1572-6; discussion 1576










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