An e-caring chair for physiological signal measurement and recording.


:There is an increasing awareness among the populace of the need for regular health check-up to detect diseases in their early stages and thereby administer treatments in a timely fashion. However, commercially available physiological signal monitoring devices, which may offer clues on the onset of diseases, are time-consuming, far from user friendly and limited in their applications. We design an e-caring chair that combines six modular physiological signal measurement instruments into a single unit, enabling users to simultaneously measure the blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, height, weight and body fat percentage, and display the results and simple diagnoses in real time. The e-caring chair further allows for easy integration of additional physiological signal measuring devices, speedy measurements and long term monitoring of any trends that may emerge, making it easier for users to be alerted to physiological changes in the body without the need to enlist assistance from medical personnel. In this paper, we describe how this e-caring chair can be placed in several different environments for different purposes.


Med Eng Phys


Chang HT,Chung CG,Chen MW




Has Abstract


2013-02-01 00:00:00














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