Accumulation of murine subretinal macrophages: effects of age, pigmentation and CX3CR1.


:Macrophages or activated microglia in the subretinal space are considered a hallmark of some retinal pathologies. We investigated the effects of age, pigmentation and CX(3)CR1 deficiency on the accumulation of macrophages/activated microglia in the outer retina of young and old Cx(3)cr1(gfp/gfp) (CX(3)CR1-deficient) or Cx(3)cr1(gfp/+) mice on either a pigmented (C57BL/6) or albino (BALB/c) background. Quantitative analysis of immunostained retinal-choroidal whole mounts revealed an increase in subretinal macrophage (SRMΦ) numbers in young Cx(3)cr1(gfp/gfp) mice compared with Cx(3)cr1(gfp/+) mice, however the increase was more marked in albino Cx(3)cr1(gfp/gfp) mice. In aged mice, large numbers of SRMΦ/activated microglia replete with autofluorescent debris were noted in both old pigmented Cx(3)cr1(gfp/gfp) and Cx(3)cr1(gfp/+) mice proving this accumulation was not CX(3)CR1-dependent. While CX(3)CR1 deficiency leads to an early onset of SRMΦ accumulation, our data reveal that this change occurs in both aged Cx(3)cr1(gfp/+) and Cx(3)cr1(gfp/gfp) pigmented mice in the absence of marked retinal degeneration and is likely a normal response to aging.


Neurobiol Aging


Neurobiology of aging


Chinnery HR,McLenachan S,Humphries T,Kezic JM,Chen X,Ruitenberg MJ,McMenamin PG




Has Abstract


2012-08-01 00:00:00














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