Distinct surface phenotypes of B cells responsible for spontaneous production of IgM and IgG anti-DNA antibodies in autoimmune-prone NZB x NZW F1 mice.


:Autoimmune-prone NZB x NZW F1 (B/W F1) mice produce a high titer of anti-DNA antibodies, In vivo and in vitro studies showed that in the early life of these mice, the immunoglobulin isotype of these antibodies almost exclusively belongs to IgM class, however, IgG anti-DNA antibodies begin to develop when the mice are about 5-6 months old and the titer exceeds that of IgM antibodies from age 7 months on. We asked whether or not the B cell population responsible for IgM and IgG antibody production belongs to the same lineage. The surface phenotypes of B cell populations responsible for the spontaneous production of either IgM or IgG anti-DNA antibodies were examined using panning and sorting methods with several monoclonal antibodies to B cells, including CD5 (Ly-1) and Lp-3; the latter defines a unique B cell differentiation antigen. We obtained evidence that surface phenotypes of B cells secreting IgM anti-DNA antibodies belong to CD5+ Lp-3- and those of B cells secreting IgG anti-DNA antibodies which occur only in old B/W F1 mice belong to CD5- Lp-3+ subpopulations. The majority of peritoneal B cells were CD5+ Lp-3+ throughout the life span of the mice and anti-DNA antibody production was never evidenced. These findings were discussed in relation to age-associated changes of B cell populations in the spleen of this strain of mice.






Okada T,Abe M,Takiura F,Hirose S,Shirai T




Has Abstract


1990-01-01 00:00:00












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