Characterization of the cDNA coding for mouse plasminogen and localization of the gene to mouse chromosome 17.


:A full-length cDNA coding for mouse plasminogen has been isolated and characterized. The cDNA is 2720 bp in length (excluding the poly(A) tail) and contains a 24-bp 5' noncoding region, an open reading frame of 2436 bp, and a 3' noncoding region of 257 bp. The open reading frame codes for 812 amino acids and includes a signal peptide that is likely 19 amino acids in length and the mature protein of 793 amino acids. The calculated Mr of mouse plasminogen is 88,706 excluding carbohydrate. There are two potential N-linked carbohydrate addition sites; one of which is glycosylated in human, bovine, and porcine plasminogens. Mouse plasminogen was found to contain two additional amino acids compared to the human protein. In addition, mouse and human plasminogens were found to be 79 and 76% identical at the protein and DNA levels, respectively. Analysis of the segregation of two allelic forms, Plgb and Plgd, of plasminogen DNA in three sets of recombinant inbred strains has allowed the localization of the mouse plasminogen gene to the proximal end of mouse chromosome 17 within the t complex and close to the locus D17Rp17. The Plg gene is deleted in the semidominant deletion mutant, hair-pintail (Thp).






Degen SJ,Bell SM,Schaefer LA,Elliott RW




Has Abstract


1990-09-01 00:00:00














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