The effect of maxillary sinus surgery on its development.


CONCLUSION:The study showed that surgery in the maxillary sinus can affect its development. OBJECTIVE:To quantitatively evaluate the long-term impact of sinus surgery on its development in the rabbit. MATERIALS AND METHODS:This was an experimental study performed at an academic tertiary medical center using 20 4-week-old New Zealand white rabbits. The rabbits underwent unilateral right maxillary sinus surgery. The contralateral maxillary sinus used as a control did not undergo the operation. The maxillary sinus ostium was enlarged on the operated side. Volumetric analysis of the maxillary sinus was performed 1 year post-surgery. The maxillary sinus volumes of both sides were calculated using Multidedector CT and the volumetric measurements of the operated side were compared with the non-operated side. RESULTS:Maxillary sinus development was significantly reduced on the surgical side. Maxillary sinus growth on the surgical side was determined as 87% compared with the non-surgical side.


Acta Otolaryngol


Acta oto-laryngologica


Bahadir O,Bahadir A,Kosucu P,Livaoglu M




Has Abstract


2008-05-01 00:00:00














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