Validation studies of the human movement analysis panel for hand/arm performance.


:The human movement analysis panel (HMAP) measures separable components of arm motion and simple and complex finger coordination. HMAP testing takes 30min to administer. In separate experiments we have validated the HMAP against the standard grooved pegboard and measures of gait speed, and demonstrated important learning effects over both short durations of days, and longer intervals of months to years in normal subjects of different ages. Stepwise regression demonstrated the strongest correlation between the HMAP complex motor times and pegboard both-hand removal (R(2)=0.52, p=0.002 for dominant and R(2)=0.33, p=0.02 for non-dominant hands). The most consistent and sensitive measure of HMAP motor performance overall was the complex motor time. The HMAP is a short-duration, easily administered, objective quantitative test of motor function, with potential applications in aging, and in Parkinson's Disease and related motor disorders. The HMAP has a smaller version used in primates, so that measurements made in primate models of disease and its treatment are directly comparable to analogous clinical measurements made in the corresponding human disease.


J Neurosci Methods


Smith CD,Walton A,Slevin JT,Gerhardt GA,Umberger G,Smoot K,Schulze E,Gash D




Has Abstract


2007-09-30 00:00:00














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