Clinical, morphological, and biochemical correlates of head circumference in autism.


BACKGROUND:Head growth rates are often accelerated in autism. This study is aimed at defining the clinical, morphological, and biochemical correlates of head circumference in autistic patients. METHODS:Fronto-occipital head circumference was measured in 241 nonsyndromic autistic patients, 3 to 16 years old, diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria. We assessed 1) clinical parameters using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, Vineland Adaptive Behavioral Scales, intelligence quotient measures, and an ad hoc clinical history questionnaire; 2) height and weight; 3) serotonin (5-HT) blood levels and peptiduria. RESULTS:The distribution of cranial circumference is significantly skewed toward larger head sizes (p < .00001). Macrocephaly (i.e., head circumference >97th percentile) is generally part of a broader macrosomic endophenotype, characterized by highly significant correlations between head circumference, weight, and height (p < .001). A head circumference >75th percentile is associated with more impaired adaptive behaviors and with less impairment in IQ measures and motor and verbal language development. Surprisingly, larger head sizes are significantly associated with a positive history of allergic/immune disorders both in the patient and in his/her first-degree relatives. CONCLUSIONS:Our study demonstrates the existence of a macrosomic endophenotype in autism and points toward pathogenetic links with immune dysfunctions that we speculate either lead to or are associated with increased cell cycle progression and/or decreased apoptosis.


Biol Psychiatry


Biological psychiatry


Sacco R,Militerni R,Frolli A,Bravaccio C,Gritti A,Elia M,Curatolo P,Manzi B,Trillo S,Lenti C,Saccani M,Schneider C,Melmed R,Reichelt KL,Pascucci T,Puglisi-Allegra S,Persico AM




Has Abstract


2007-11-01 00:00:00














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