Monoclonal anti-La antibody derived from a mouse with experimental SLE is similar to human anti-La antibodies.


:The La antigen is a highly conserved protein, originally defined by sera of patients with Sjögren's syndrome or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In the present study, we have produced and characterized a monoclonal anti-la antibody derived from mice with experimental SLE. The induction of SLE in these mice was achieved by their immunization with a murine monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody against a common idiotype (16/6 Id) found in SLE patients. The monoclonal anti-La antibody derived from these mice was found to be virtually identical to the anti-La antibodies found in human autoimmune sera. First, its binding to different nuclear extracts, as well as to protease-digested HeLa nuclear protein extracts, was found to be identical to that of human anti-La antibodies. Second, an inhibition study on blotted proteins demonstrated a very close relationship between the epitopes recognized by the murine monoclonal anti-La antibody and the human anti-La serum. Third, the monoclonal anti-La antibody was found by immunofluorescence to be directed against a nuclear antigen that gave a speckled pattern. Finally, the monoclonal anti-La antibody immunoprecipitated the La-associated small RNAs. This report provides evidence for the similarity of murine anti-La antibody produced in experimental SLE and human anti-La antibodies formed in autoimmunity.


J Autoimmun


Journal of autoimmunity


Offen D,Mendlovic S,Fricke H,Sperling R,Sperling J,Mozes E




Has Abstract


1990-12-01 00:00:00












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