Effect of D2O on maize plasmalemma ATPase and electron transport coupled proton pumping.


:Heavy water (D2O) has been used as a putative inhibitor of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase and the plasma membrane redox system. Concentrations above 50% D2O inhibited H+ secretion and the plasma membrane redox system of Zea mays L. roots. Inhibition of H+ secretion by vanadate was reduced in presence of D2O. The plasma membrane of roots was transiently depolarized after the addition of heavy water in concentrations above 5%. The repolarization of the plasma membrane that takes place while the H+ secretion is still reduced by heavy water indicates that, despite the overall inhibiting effect of D2O, the plant is still able to regulate the membrane potential.


Döring O,Böttger M




Has Abstract


1992-01-31 00:00:00














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