Alternative modes of ventilation. Part I. Disadvantages of controlled mechanical ventilation: intermittent mandatory ventilation.


:Controlled mechanical ventilation is an accepted therapy for acute respiratory failure but by virtue of the increase in intrathoracic pressure has a large number of disadvantages. It is to overcome these disadvantages that alternative modes of ventilation have been introduced. These aim to reduce the effects of abnormally high airway pressure on the lung whilst recruiting solid alveoli and at the same time maintaining effective blood volume. Intermittent mandatory ventilation is a mode of ventilation first introduced to aid weaning which may reduce the need for sedation, permit better tolerance of high levels of PEEP and maintain urine osmolar output. High frequency ventilation utilising low airway pressures can maintain pulmonary gas exchange whilst reducing the effects of stretch on the lung. Its major role would seem to be in cases of bronchopleural fistula and necrotising pneumonia where a low mean airway pressure is essential. Low frequency positive pressure ventilation with extra corporeal CO2 removal, whilst a very labour intensive technique, has produced a favourable outcome in patients with terminal respiratory failure. Use of PEEP is associated with further deleterious haemodynamic effects which are largely overcome with use of continuous positive airway pressure during spontaneous respiration. PEEP is widely used. Its effect on pulmonary compliance, dead space and oxygen delivery are unpredictable making haemodynamic monitoring mandatory. Inversed ratio ventilation requires further evaluation whereas differential lung ventilation is logical, complicated but very valuable where the time constants for each lung are significantly different.


Intensive Care Med


Intensive care medicine


Willatts SM




Has Abstract


1985-01-01 00:00:00












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