Expression of a set of growth-related immediate early genes in BALB/c 3T3 cells: coordinate regulation with c-fos or c-myc.


:We have previously identified by cDNA cloning 5 mRNAs that appear in resting BALB/c 3T3 cells soon after growth stimulation by serum or platelet-derived growth factor. Five additional mRNAs of this class are described in this report. The mRNAs reached peak levels between 40 and 120 min after serum addition and rapidly decayed thereafter. All 10 RNAs were superinduced in the presence of cycloheximide. Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that the increase in the mRNAs is the result of rapid transcriptional activation of their genes on stimulation by serum or platelet-derived growth factor. Superinducibility by cycloheximide is due to two effects: prolonged transcription and stabilization of mRNAs. This overall pattern of regulation is similar to that of the c-fos or c-myc protooncogenes reported previously. We hypothesize that these newly identified "immediate early" genes play a role in the proliferative response induced by growth factors.


Lau LF,Nathans D




Has Abstract


1987-03-01 00:00:00












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