m6A-Dependent RNA Dynamics in T Cell Differentiation.


:N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant RNA modification. It has been involved in the regulation of RNA metabolism, including degradation and translation, in both physiological and disease conditions. A recent study showed that m6A-mediated degradation of key transcripts also plays a role in the control of T cells homeostasis and IL-7 induced differentiation. We re-analyzed the omics data from that study and, through the integrative analysis of total and nascent RNA-seq data, we were able to comprehensively quantify T cells RNA dynamics and how these are affected by m6A depletion. In addition to the expected impact on RNA degradation, we revealed a broader effect of m6A on RNA dynamics, which included the alteration of RNA synthesis and processing. Altogether, the combined action of m6A on all major steps of the RNA life-cycle closely re-capitulated the observed changes in the abundance of premature and mature RNA species. Ultimately, our re-analysis extended the findings of the initial study, focused on RNA stability, and proposed a yet unappreciated role for m6A in RNA synthesis and processing dynamics.


Genes (Basel)




Furlan M,Galeota E,de Pretis S,Caselle M,Pelizzola M




Has Abstract


2019-01-08 00:00:00












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