Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of directly compressed controlled release matrices of Losartan Potassium using Ethocel Grade 100 as rate retarding agent.


:Current study was aimed to develop 200mg controlled release matrix tablets of Losartan Potassium using Ethocel 100 Premium and Ethocel 100 FP Premium as rate controlling polymer. In-vitro studies were performed according to USP Method-I in phosphate buffer (PH 6.8) using pharma test dissolution apparatus. The temperature of the dissolution medium was kept constant at 37±0.5°C at 100rpm. Flow properties, physical quality control tests, effect of polymer size and drug-to-polymers ratios were studied using different kinetics models such as 1st-order, zero-order, Hixon Crowell model, Highuchi model and Power law. Difference factor f1 and similarity factor f2 were applied for dissolution profiles against Cardaktin® tablets used as a reference formulation. The matrices with polymer ethocel 100 FP Premiums have prolonged the drug release rate as compared to polymer ethocel 100 Premiums. The n values matrices with polymer ethocel grade 100 ranged from 0.603 to 0.857 indicating that the drug release occurred by anomalous non fickian diffusion kinetics while then value of reference Cardaktin® tablet was measured as 0.125 indicating that these tablets do not follow power law. The dissolution profiles of test formulations were different than that of reference Cardaktin®. This suggests the polymer Ethocel grade 100 can be proficiently incorporated in fabrication and development of once a day controlled release matrix tablets.


Int J Pharm


Khan KA,Khan GM,Zeeshan Danish M,Akhlaq,Khan H,Rehman F,Mehsud S




Has Abstract


2015-12-30 00:00:00














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