Activation of rye 5RL neocentromere by an organophosphate pesticide.


:An interstitial constriction located on the long arm of rye chromosome 5R (5RL) shows neocentromeric activity at meiosis. In some meiocytes this region is strongly stretched orienting with the true centromere to opposite poles at metaphase I, and keeping sister chromatid cohesion at anaphase I. We found previously that the frequency of neocentric activity varied dramatically in different generations suggesting the effect of environmental factors. Here we studied the behavior of the 5RL neocentromere in mono- and ditelosomic 5RL, and mono-, and disomic 5R wheat-rye addition lines, untreated and treated with an organophosphate pesticide. The treated plants form neocentromeres with an about 4.5-fold increased frequency compared to untreated ones, demonstrating that the pesticide promotes neocentric activity. The neocentromere was activated irrespectively of the pairing configuration or the presence of a complete or truncated 5R centromere. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 2 repetitive sequences (UCM600 and pSc119.2) present at the constriction showed kinetic activity at several locations within this region. Immunostaining with anti-α-tubulin showed that treated plants have abnormal spindles in 46% of the metaphase I cells, indicating that disturbances in spindle formation might promote neocentromere activation.


Cytogenet Genome Res


Cuacos M,González-García M,González-Sánchez M,Puertas MJ,Vega JM




Has Abstract


2011-01-01 00:00:00














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