Construction and transduction of a shuttle vector bearing the cos site of Streptomyces phage phi C31 and determination of its cohesive ends.


:A plasmid has been constructed which is a bifunctional vector for Escherichia coli and for streptomycetes, containing the cos site of Streptomyces phage phi C31. It can be efficiently transduced into S. lividans 66 and into several other Streptomyces species. The nucleotide sequence of a 311-bp DNA fragment containing the cohesive ends has been determined. The cohesive ends consist of 10 bases protruding at the 3'-end of the phage genome.


FEMS Microbiol Lett


Kobler L,Schwertfirm G,Schmieger H,Bolotin A,Sladkova I




Has Abstract


1991-03-01 00:00:00












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