Aging and its differential effects on consolidated memory forms in Drosophila.


:Aging is known to be associated with a decrease of learning and memory. Little is known on the specificity of this process. In Drosophila, two forms of consolidated memory have been observed. Anesthesia-resistant memory (ARM) is formed after one or several consecutive training sessions whereas long-term memory (LTM) is formed only after multiple training sessions separated in time. Both memory forms last more than 24 h. In the present experiment I, address the question of the effect of aging on the formation of each memory form. Twenty four hours after being conditioned, old flies show similar ARM as young flies but LTM was completely abolished. Age memory impairment seems therefore to be specific to one consolidated memory form.


Exp Gerontol


Experimental gerontology


Mery F




Has Abstract


2007-01-01 00:00:00














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