Sigma-pi molecular dielectric multilayers for low-voltage organic thin-film transistors.


:Very thin (2.3-5.5 nm) self-assembled organic dielectric multilayers have been integrated into organic thin-film transistor structures to achieve sub-1-V operating characteristics. These new dielectrics are fabricated by means of layer-by-layer solution phase deposition of molecular silicon precursors, resulting in smooth, nanostructurally well defined, strongly adherent, thermally stable, virtually pinhole-free, organosiloxane thin films having exceptionally large electrical capacitances (up to approximately 2,500, excellent insulating properties (leakage current densities as low as 10(-9), and single-layer dielectric constant (k)of approximately 16. These 3D self-assembled multilayers enable organic thin-film transistor function at very low source-drain, gate, and threshold voltages (<1 V) and are compatible with a broad variety of vapor- or solution-deposited p- and n-channel organic semiconductors.


Yoon MH,Facchetti A,Marks TJ





Has Abstract


2005-03-29 00:00:00














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