Sub-genomic replicons of Tick-borne encephalitis virus.


:We constructed three sub-genomic replicons of Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) (Oshima REP, Oshima REP-GFP and Oshima REP-Neo) by deleting genes coding for structural proteins without or with insertion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) or Neo genes, respectively. BHK cells transfected with Oshima REP expressed the viral non-structural antigens in immunofluorescent and western blot analyses. GFP and viral antigens were co-expressed in the transfected cells with Oshima REP-GFP. G418-resistant cells harboring Oshima REP-Neo consistently expressed the antigens without showing any apparent CPE. These replicons constructed in this study will be useful in studies on the replication, assembly and packaging of TBEV, and to develop vaccines and gene-delivering systems.


Arch Virol


Archives of virology


Hayasaka D,Yoshii K,Ueki T,Iwasaki T,Takashima I





Has Abstract


2004-06-01 00:00:00












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