The usefulness of experience sampling in understanding the urge to move in anorexia nervosa.


BACKGROUND:Physical hyperactivity has often been described in anorexia nervosa (AN) patients but up until now in-depth research has been scarce. Experience sampling methodology (ESM), a structured diary technique assessing momentary mental state at random times during the day, may be useful in studying hyperactivity in AN. METHODS:In two single case reports, ESM was used to investigate the variation across time of the urge to move in relation to potentially relevant eliciting conditions such as positive and negative emotions, weight preoccupation and attractiveness. RESULTS:Frequency distribution of the involved variables indicated substantial individual differences between patients. While both patients' tendency to be hyperactive was positively related to their weight preoccupation and negative emotions, in only one patient, the urge to move turned out to be significantly related to (the absence of) positive emotions. CONCLUSIONS:ESM can be useful to test whether general theories of psychopathology apply to specific patients, and it may be conceived as an individually tailored approach to self-monitoring. As such, it may guide the clinician to devise therapeutic interventions in particular patients.


Acta Neuropsychiatr


Acta neuropsychiatrica


Pieters G,Vansteelandt K,Claes L,Probst M,Van Mechelen I,Vandereycken W




Has Abstract


2006-02-01 00:00:00














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