Immunologic changes after transfusion of autologous or allogeneic buffy coat-poor versus WBC-reduced blood transfusions in patients undergoing arthroplasty. II. Activation of T cells, macrophages, and cell-mediated lympholysis.


BACKGROUND:To estimate the impact of RBC preparations on the status of postoperative immune activation, the soluble cytokine receptors of TNFalpha (sTNF-R) and IL-2 (sIL-2R), as well as neopterin and cell-mediated lympholysis (CML), were measured. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS:Patients undergoing strictly standardized anesthesiologic management for elective orthopedic surgery were enrolled in a prospective study. The perioperative course (Days 0, 3, 7, and 10) of sTNF-R, sIL-2R, neopterin, and CML was compared after random assignment to allogeneic buffy coat-reduced (Group 2, n = 8) or WBC-reduced (Group 3, n = 11) RBC transfusion regimen. Recipients of autologous buffy coat-reduced RBC transfusions (Group 1, n = 15) served as controls. Patients receiving intraoperatively and postoperatively salvaged blood only (n = 10) were separately analyzed as Group 4. RESULTS:In Group 1, a short-lasting increase in soluble cytokine receptors, a diminished cytolytic response (Day 0 vs. Day 7: sTNF-R, p = 0.0001; sIL-2R, p = 0.0004; CML, p = 0. 0238), and an elevation of neopterin (Day 0 vs. Day 3: p = 0.0064) were observed. In contrast, in allogeneically transfused patients, sTNF-R (Group 2, p = 0.0469: Group 3, p = 0.0039), sIL-2R (Group 3, p = 0.002) and neopterin (Group 3, p = 0.0164) increased further from baseline to Day 10 (Day 0 vs. Day 10), and this increase was accompanied by a diminished cytolytic response (Day 0 vs. Day 10: Group 2, p = 0.05; Group 3, p = 0.0076). Patients in Group 4 showed a short-lasting increase in sIL-2R (Day 0 vs. Day 3: p = 0.0078), neopterin (Day 0 vs. Day 3: p = 0.0156) and sTNF-R (Day 0 vs. Day 7: p = 0.0781). CONCLUSION:Allogeneic transfusions seem to prolong the postoperative status of immune activation, even when WBC-filtered RBCs are used for the transfusion regimen.






Innerhofer P,Tilz G,Fuchs D,Luz G,Hobisch-Hagen P,Schobersberger W,Nussbaumer W,Lochs A,Irschick E




Has Abstract


2000-07-01 00:00:00












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