Karyotyping of Neurospora crassa using synaptonemal complex spreads of translocation quadrivalents.


:The purposes of the present research are (i) to establish the karyotype of Neursopora crassa using visualization of kinetochores in the synaptonemal complex (SC) spreads, (ii) to assign each chromosome to a linkage group, and (iii) to examine chromosome pairing and recombination nodules in quadrivalents. Two strains containing reciprocal translocations were used: T(I;II)4637, which involves linkage groups I and II, and alcoy, which contains 3 independent translocations involving I and II, IV and V, and III and VI. Visualization of kinetochores in the spreads requires the use of freshly prepared fixatives. Kinetochore locations and arm ratios were documented in all 7 N. crassa chromosomes. This new information, based on kinetochore position, arm ratios, chromosome length, and quadrivalent analyses, enabled unequivocal confirmation of chromosome assignments to genetic linkage groups. Chromosome pairing in a translocation quadrivalent starts at the 4 terminal regions, and proceeds right up to the translocation break point. Recombination nodules are found in all 4 arms of quadrivalents. The ability to identify a specific chromosome to a genetic linkage group together with the ability to visualize recombination nodules and their locations will allow future cytological analysis of recombination events.










Has Abstract


2006-06-01 00:00:00
















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