Prevalence of spotted fever group Rickettsia species detected in ticks in La Rioja, Spain.


:Our objective was to learn the prevalence of spotted fever group (SFG) Rickettsia detected in ticks in La Rioja, in the north of Spain. From 2001 to 2005, 496 ticks representing 7 tick species were analysed at the Hospital de La Rioja. Ticks were removed from humans with or without rickettsial syndrome (n = 59) or collected from mammals (n = 371) or from vegetation by dragging (n = 66). The presence of SFG Rickettsia in these ticks was investigated by semi-nested PCR (ompA gene) and sequencing. A phylogenetic tree using Clustal method (neighbor-joining) was constructed with these data. Only 3 of 170 Hyalomma marginatum ticks carried SFG Rickettsia. Sequencing analysis demonstrated the presence of Rickettsia aeschlimannii (1.8%). Furthermore, Rickettsia massiliae and BAR29 were found in 3 of 120 Rhipicephalus sanguineus specimens (2.5%). In contrast, 81 of 83 tested Dermacentor marginatus ticks were PCR-positive (97%). Rickettsia slovaca (40.6%) and Rickettsia sp. strains RpA4, DnS14, DnS28 and JL-02 (59.3%) were found within this tick species. No SFG Rickettsia was detected using ompA primers when Ixodes ricinus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Rhipicephalus eversti eversti, Hyalomma detritum scupense and Rhipicephalus sp. were analyzed. We detected 17.5% of ticks associated with different SFG Rickettsia: R. aeschlimannii, R. massiliae, BAR29, R. slovaca and Rickettsia sp. strains RpA4, DnS14, DnS28 and JL-02. Their presence has to be taken into account since most of them have been recognized as human pathogens.


Ann N Y Acad Sci


Oteo JA,Portillo A,Santibáñez S,Pérez-Martínez L,Blanco JR,Jiménez S,Ibarra V,Pérez-Palacios A,Sanz M




Has Abstract


2006-10-01 00:00:00












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