GCT of proximal phalanx of ring finger: a case report.


:Giant-cell tumor (GCT) of bone arising from phalanx of a finger is extremely rare. Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in their study on 900 treated cases of GCT from 1947-1997 reported only 0.9% incidence of GCT in bones of the hand. There was no case of GCT of the phalanges in that series. We report here a case of GCT of bone arising from phalanx of finger because of its very unusual location. The tumor was diagnosed on the basis of fine-needle aspiration cytology and confirmed by histopathology.


Diagn Cytopathol


Diagnostic cytopathology


Khare P,Kishore B,Gupta RJ,Vanita,Dhal A




Has Abstract


2012-08-01 00:00:00








40 Suppl 2


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