Switching from branched-chain amino acid granules to branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient improves the branched-chain amino acid-to-tyrosine ratio in patients with cirrhosis with hypoalbuminemia: a prospective study.


OBJECTIVE:The present study aimed to elucidate the effect of switching from branched-chain amino acid granules to branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient in patients with cirrhosis with hypoalbuminemia. METHODS:Twenty-six patients with cirrhosis with hypoalbuminemia despite treatment with branched-chain amino acid granules containing 12 g of branched-chain amino acid were enrolled in the prospective study. The branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient and control groups were composed of 16 and 10 patients, respectively. The patients in branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient group switched to branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient mixture containing 12.2 g of branched-chain amino acid and 410 kcal with a half of it consumed as a late evening snack, and the patients in the control group continued branched-chain amino acid granules. Laboratory data related to nutrition parameter were assessed at baseline, 3 months after baseline, and at 6 months after baseline. RESULTS:Two patients were withdrawn; hence, nine and 15 patients in the branched-chain amino acid granules and branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient groups, respectively, were subjected to full analysis. Serum albumin levels and total lymphocyte counts in both groups did not change in the study period. The branched-chain amino acid-to-tyrosine ratio in the branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient group significantly increased from baseline to 6 months after baseline (P = 0.030), whereas that in the control group did not increase. CONCLUSION:Switching from branched-chain amino acid granules to branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrients improves branched-chain amino acid-to-tyrosine ratio in patients with cirrhosis with hypoalbuminemia.


Fukui A,Kawabe N,Hashimoto S,Kamei H,Yoshioka K




Has Abstract


2020-04-01 00:00:00












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