Negative correlation between CSF lactate levels and MoCA scores in male Chinese subjects.


:Lactate is a product of glycolysis by astrocytes and can be generated as a primary metabolic energy source by neurons. Lactate plays multifunctional role in human brain energy metabolism and cognitive function. However, no direct evidence demonstrated the link between lactate and cognition in normal condition. In the present study, concentrations of lactate in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and peripheral blood were measured to investigate the association of lactate with cognitive ability, which was assessed by Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), in 99 male Chinese subjects. Correlation analyses revealed that serum lactate levels were negatively correlated with age, and CSF lactate levels were negatively correlated with MoCA scores after Box-Cox transformations. But no correlation was found between serum lactate levels and MoCA scores after Box-Cox transformations. In conclusion, the results indicate that CSF lactate levels were negatively correlated with MoCA scores in male Chinese subjects.


Psychiatry Res


Psychiatry research


Wang H,Tan X,Xu J,Li H,Wang M,Chen S,Yang X,Liu Y,Wang F




Has Abstract


2017-09-01 00:00:00












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