Intracerebral hemorrhage in patients after heart valve replacement.


BACKGROUNDS:Although prevention of hematoma enlargement and thromboembolic complications is critically important in acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) patients with prosthetic heart valves, clinical data are scarce. The goal of this study was to elucidate patient characteristics, acute treatments, and the clinical course of them. METHODS:We investigated a retrospective cohort of consecutive acute ICH patients with prosthetic heart valves. Neurological data, hospital management, hemorrhagic and thromboembolic complications and functional disability/mortality were reviewed. RESULTS:We identified 38 patients (27 men; 67.9±16.7 years). The median ICH volume was 22.8 ml. The most frequent location was lobar (50%). All patients with mechanical valves (25/25) and 46% of patients with bioprosthetic valves (6/13) were receiving warfarin at the time of hospital admission. The median anticoagulation withholding period was 2 days in 24 patients who ultimately resumed anticoagulation. Hematoma enlargement within 24 h was observed in eight patients and hemorrhagic complications occurred in three patients. Thromboembolic stroke occurred in four patients. At discharge, death had occurred or severe disability was present in 53% of patients (20/38). CONCLUSIONS:Hematoma enlargement, hemorrhagic complications or thromboembolic stroke occurred in a significant number of patients during hospitalization. ICH was a serious complication among patients with valve replacement.


J Neurol Sci


Nishimura K,Koga M,Minematsu K,Takahashi JC,Nagatsuka K,Kobayashi J,Toyoda K




Has Abstract


2016-04-15 00:00:00












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