Fluorescence confocal endomicroscopy of the cervix: pilot study on the potential and limitations for clinical implementation.


:Current diagnostic capabilities and limitations of fluorescence endomicroscopy in the cervix are assessed by qualitative and quantitative image analysis. Four cervical tissue types are investigated: normal columnar epithelium, normal and precancerous squamous epithelium, and stromal tissue. This study focuses on the perceived variability within and the subtle differences between the four tissue groups in the context of endomicroscopic in vivo pathology. Conclusions are drawn on the general ability to distinguish and diagnose tissue types, on the need for imaging depth control to enhance differentiation, and on the possible risks for diagnostic misinterpretations.


J Biomed Opt


Schlosser C,Bodenschatz N,Lam S,Lee M,McAlpine JN,Miller DM,Van Niekerk DJ,Follen M,Guillaud M,MacAulay CE,Lane PM




Has Abstract


2016-12-01 00:00:00














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