PrPC Governs Susceptibility to Prion Strains in Bank Vole, While Other Host Factors Modulate Strain Features.


:Bank vole is a rodent species that shows differential susceptibility to the experimental transmission of different prion strains. In this work, the transmission features of a panel of diverse prions with distinct origins were assayed both in bank vole expressing methionine at codon 109 (Bv109M) and in transgenic mice expressing physiological levels of bank vole PrPC (the BvPrP-Tg407 mouse line). This work is the first systematic comparison of the transmission features of a collection of prion isolates, representing a panel of diverse prion strains, in a transgenic-mouse model and in its natural counterpart. The results showed very similar transmission properties in both the natural species and the transgenic-mouse model, demonstrating the key role of the PrP amino acid sequence in prion transmission susceptibility. However, differences in the PrPSc types propagated by Bv109M and BvPrP-Tg407 suggest that host factors other than PrPC modulate prion strain features. IMPORTANCE:The differential susceptibility of bank voles to prion strains can be modeled in transgenic mice, suggesting that this selective susceptibility is controlled by the vole PrP sequence alone rather than by other species-specific factors. Differences in the phenotypes observed after prion transmissions in bank voles and in the transgenic mice suggest that host factors other than the PrPC sequence may affect the selection of the substrain replicating in the animal model.


J Virol


Journal of virology


Espinosa JC,Nonno R,Di Bari M,Aguilar-Calvo P,Pirisinu L,Fernández-Borges N,Vanni I,Vaccari G,Marín-Moreno A,Frassanito P,Lorenzo P,Agrimi U,Torres JM




Has Abstract


2016-11-14 00:00:00














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