A cDNA clone encoding part of the major 25,000-dalton surface membrane antigen of adult Schistosoma mansoni.


:Immunoscreening of an adult Schistosoma mansoni cDNA expression library, using antibodies raised against purified adult worm tegumental surface membranes, identified a recombinant clone containing a 141-bp insert. Antibodies raised against the recombinant antigen bound specifically to the tegument of adult worms and immunoprecipitated the major 25,000-dalton surface membrane antigen as well as a 22,000-dalton nascent polypeptide generated by cell-free translation of adult S. mansoni mRNA. The mature 25,000-dalton antigen was found to be precipitated by antibodies from infected mice, rats and humans.


Parasitol Res


Parasitology research


Knight M,Kelly C,Rodrigues V,Yi X,Wamachi A,Smithers SR,Simpson AJ




Has Abstract


1989-01-01 00:00:00












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