[Possibilities of cytostatic therapy in adenocarcinoma of the kidney. I. Influence of vinblastine on the growth of transplanted tumors].


:The effect of vinblastine sulfate on the acceptance and growth of a very malignant, human adenocarcinoma of the kidney (RCCI) on nude mice was investigated. Without any treatment, this tumor has an acceptance rate of 100%. Subcutaneously transplanted pieces of tumor, measuring 3 X 3 X 1 mm, commence to grow rapidly 1 week after transplantation and reach a diameter of approximately 2 cm, 6 weeks thereafter. Tumors with a diameter of approximately 2 cm, treated during 6 weeks with vinblastine (0.6 mg/kg/week), continued to grow during treatment and thereafter. However, when these growing, pretreated tumors were transplanted on new experimental animals, they either were not accepted by them or grew very slowly. When animals with tumor transplants were treated for 6 weeks with vinblastine (same schedule as above), beginning on the 1st day after transplantation, tumor growth was markedly retarded in every case, but only very seldom the tumor was not accepted.


Urol Int


Urologia internationalis


Köllermann MW,Otto U,Dimigen J




Has Abstract


1981-01-01 00:00:00












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