Residual dysglycemia when at target HbA(1c) of 7% (53mmol/mol) in persons with type 2 diabetes.


AIMS:To understand the composition of the residual dysglycemia when HbA1c is between 6.5% (48mmol/mol) and 7% (53mmol/mol), representing the definition of diabetes and the recommended treatment goal, respectively. METHODS:One hundred persons with type 2 diabetes and a HbA1c<7% (53mmol/mol), treated with diet alone and/or oral hypoglycemic agents underwent continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and were further divided into two subgroups 1 (n=50) and 2 (n=50) according to whether the HbA1c was <6.5% (48mmol/mol) or 6.5-6.9% (48-52mmol/mol), respectively. A similar analysis was performed in those on diet alone: subgroups A (n=34, HbA1c<6.5%, 48mmol/mol) and B (n=10, HbA1c 6.5-6.9%, 48-52mmol/mol). The residual dysglycemia determined from the CGM was assessed using glucose exposures defined as areas under curves (AUCs) and mean glucose values. RESULTS:Averaged 2-h postprandial glucose value (averaged PPG, mmol/L, mean±SD) and postprandial glucose exposure (AUCpp, mean±SD, mmol·L(-1)·h) were significantly higher in subgroup 2 (mean HbA1c=6.7%, 50mmol/mol) than in subgroup 1 (mean HbA1c=6.0%, 42mmol/mol): averaged PPG=8.1±1.3 versus 7.3±1.3mmol/L (p<0.002); AUCpp=23.5±8.6 versus 16.2±8.6 (p<0.0001). The percentages of persons with averaged PPG≥7.8mmol/L were 52% and 24% (p<0.01) in subgroups 2 and 1, respectively. Similar results were observed in those (subgroups A and B) who were on diet alone. CONCLUSIONS:The residual dysglycemia in type 2 diabetes with HbA1c between 6.5 and 6.9% (48-52mmol/mol) inclusive is mainly due to remnant abnormal postprandial glucose excursions. Consequently, HbA1c<6.5% (48mmol/mol) is an achievable goal with therapeutic measures aimed at reducing postmeal glucose when the HbA1c is at 7% (53mmol/mol).


Monnier L,Colette C,Dejager S,Owens D




Has Abstract


2014-06-01 00:00:00














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