Risk factors and survival outcomes in patients with brain metastases from breast cancer.


:Development of central nervous system (CNS) metastases in breast cancer (BC) is associated with poor prognosis. The incidence of CNS metastases in metastatic BC is reported to be about 10-16 %, but different subtypes of BC are associated with different risk of developing CNS metastases. We retrospectively analysed the risk of CNS metastases and the outcome in a cohort of 473 patients with metastatic BC. CNS metastases were diagnosed in 15.6 % of patients and median survival from diagnosis of CNS metastases was 7.53 (25th-75th 2.8-18.9) months. The risk of developing CNS metastases was higher in patients with grade 3, hormone receptor negative, HER2-positive, high Ki-67 BC. When compared to luminal A subtype, only HER2-positive BC was associated with increased risk of CNS metastases. Survival from diagnosis of CNS metastases was longer in patients with HER2-positive BC, while it was shorter in patients that did not receive any locoregional treatment, or with extra-CNS disease, or with more than 3 CNS lesions.


Clin Exp Metastasis


Minisini AM,Moroso S,Gerratana L,Giangreco M,Iacono D,Poletto E,Guardascione M,Fontanella C,Fasola G,Puglisi F




Has Abstract


2013-12-01 00:00:00












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