Isovalerylcarnitine is a specific activator of the high calcium requiring calpain forms.


:Isovalerylcarnitine, a product of the catabolism of L-leucine, is a potent activator of rat calpains isolated from erythrocytes, kidney, liver, skeletal and heart muscle. Only calpains II, but not calpains I, are activated by IVC, with the only exception of rat erythrocyte calpain I, the only species present in these cells which has a Ca2+ requirement higher than that of most calpain I isoenzymes. Activation by IVC involves a dual effect: 1) a ten fold increase in the affinity of calpain for Ca2+, and 2) an increase in the Vmax 1.3-1.6 fold above the values observed with the native enzymes at saturating [Ca2+] as well as with the autolyzed fully active calpain form at 5 microM Ca2+. The increased affinity for calcium results in an increased rate of autoproteolysis of calpain II. Activation by IVC is additive to that promoted by interaction (or association) to phospholipids vesicles. Together these results suggest that IVC may operate as a selective activator of calpain both in the cytosol and at the membrane level; in the latter case in synergism with the activation induced by association of the proteinase to the cell membrane.


Pontremoli S,Melloni E,Viotti PL,Michetti M,Di Lisa F,Siliprandi N




Has Abstract


1990-02-28 00:00:00














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