Dolasetron for preventing postanesthetic shivering.


UNLABELLED:We designed this study to assess the efficacy of dolasetron compared with clonidine and placebo in prophylaxis of postanesthetic shivering. We included 90 patients undergoing elective abdominal or urologic surgery. The patients were randomly assigned to one three groups (each group n = 30) using a double-blinded study protocol: Group A received 12.5 mg dolasetron, Group B 3 microg/kg clonidine, and Group C saline 0.9% as placebo. The medication was given after the induction of anesthesia. Postanesthetic shivering was judged by using a five-point scale. In the Clonidine group, 86.6% showed no shivering, whereas in the Dolasetron and Placebo groups, only 63.3% and 66.6%, respectively, were symptom free. Only clonidine, but not dolasetron, significantly reduced the incidence and the severity of shivering. We conclude that clonidine is effective in preventing shivering when given before surgery, whereas dolasetron, at the dose used, is not effective. IMPLICATIONS:Shivering, an irregular muscular fasciculation lasting longer than 15 s, is a common complication secondary to general anesthesia. We compared dolasetron with clonidine (an established antishivering drug) in the prevention of postanesthetic shivering. Dolasetron 12.5 mg was not effective.


Anesth Analg


Anesthesia and analgesia


Piper SN,Röhm KD,Maleck WH,Fent MT,Suttner SW,Boldt J




Has Abstract


2002-01-01 00:00:00


106-11, table of contents










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