[Preoperative evaluation of the invasiveness of myometrial and pelvic lymph nodes in patients with endometrial cancer].


:Transvaginal sonography (TVS), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used for preoperative diagnosis of myometrial and pelvic lymph nodes invasion in patients with endometrial cancer. Results of examinations were compared with histopathological findings. Sensitivity, specificity, efficacy, positive and negative prognostic values of these imaging techniques were compared. TVS and MRI had similar efficacy in the evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion (78.8% vs 67.6%). In the evaluation of deep invasion TVS in spite of lower sensitivity had higher specificity and positive prognostic value. Efficacy of all methods for evaluation of lymph nodes metastases was similar (80-82%), but TVS had higher positive prognostic value than MRI. CT in comparison with TVS and MRI was less useful in the diagnosis of myometrial invasion.


Ginekol Pol


Ginekologia polska


Kietlińska Z,Stelmachów J,Timorek A,Antczak A,Sawicki W,Tymińska B


Has Abstract


1998-05-01 00:00:00












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