Biologic and antigenic characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus-related Herpesviruses of chimpanzees and baboons.


:Leukocyte-transforming agents were isolated in baboon leukocytes inoculated with oral excretions from immunosuppressed chimpanzees. The transformed lymphoblasts had B cell surface markers and harbored herpes-type virus particles; 5-10% of the cells contained cytoplasmic antigens reactive with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-antibody-positive chimpanzee, human and baboon sera. These sera also neutralized the transforming activity of the chimpanzee virus. Long-term lymphoid cell lines were established from circulating lymphocytes of normal baboons: two from Papio cynocephalus and three from P. hamadryas. The cells had B cell surface markers, contained herpes-type virus particles and produced virus with leukocyte-transforming activity. No virus-associated nuclear antigen was detectable with reference baboon and chimpanzee sera; however, the cells reacted with selected human sera containing antibodies to EBV nuclear antigen (EBNA). Absorption experiments confirmed the specificity of this reaction. Baboon lymphoblasts produced baboon virus-associated soluble complement-fixing (CF/S) antigen. Baboon sera had CF antibodies to viral (CF/V) antigen derived from EBV but failed to react with EBV-associated CF/S antigen. Chimpanzee and baboon herpesviruses had similar in vitro host cell ranges but were different from those of EBV. Inoculation of baboons, rhesus monkeys and cottontop marmosets failed to produce detectable illness or palpable tumors.


Int J Cancer


Gerber P,Kalter SS,Schidlovsky G,Peterson WD Jr,Daniel MD




Has Abstract


1977-09-15 00:00:00












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