Morph specific foraging behavior by a polymorphic raptor under variable light conditions.


:Colour polymorphism may be maintained within a population by disruptive-selection. One hypothesis proposes that different morphs are adapted to different ambient light conditions, with lighter morphs having a selective advantage in bright conditions and darker morphs having advantages in darker conditions. The mechanism for this advantage is proposed to be through enhanced crypsis via background-matching. We explore this hypothesis in a polymorphic raptor, the black sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus, which exhibits a discrete dark and white-morph. We use GPS-tracking data to contrast the foraging behaviour and habitat selection of morphs. As predicted, we found that light-levels influenced foraging behaviour in different ways for morphs: Dark-morphs showed a decrease in foraging with increasing light-levels; whereas no relationship was found for white-morphs. Furthermore, we found differential-degrees of habitat selection, with dark-morphs selecting more enclosed habitats compared to white-morphs. This suggests that different morphs may be better adapted to foraging under different light-conditions, potentially playing a role in maintaining colour polymorphism in this species. Our results may also help explain why dark-morphs predominate in this study region, which experiences high rainfall and lower light-levels during the breeding-period. This study suggests that avian morphs may allocate/partition foraging activity by weather conditions/habitat, which maximise their concealment from prey.


Sci Rep


Scientific reports


Tate GJ,Amar A




Has Abstract


2017-08-22 00:00:00












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