A high incidence of adjacent-1 meiotic segregation pattern, revealed by multicolor sperm FISH, in a carrier boar of a new reciprocal translocation t(6;16)(p13;q23).


:Reciprocal translocations pose a serious problem in pig breeding due to the reduced fertility of the carriers. This paper presents a new reciprocal translocation in a phenotypically normal, but hypoprolific (20% reduction) boar. Chromosome banding as well as the FISH technique with the use of BAC and telomeric probes was applied for a detailed characterization of this chromosome rearrangement. The karyotype of the studied boar was described as 38,XY,t(6;16)(p13;q23). The meiotic segregation of the quadrivalent was studied in 1,071 sperms by multicolor FISH. The most frequent segregation patterns were alternate (47.5%) and adjacent 1 (41.9%), while adjacent 2 and 3:1 were less frequent at 1.2 and 9.2%, respectively. Surprisingly, the frequency of the adjacent-1 segregation appeared to be relatively high, when compared with human and pig reciprocal translocations studied by sperm FISH. Our study, along with a review of the literature, shows that a reduction of fertility in the carriers and the incidence of different segregation patterns of the quadrivalent may vary within a broad range, and both aspects seem to be unrelated. A need for obligatory karyotype screening programs of artificial insemination boars is emphasized.


Cytogenet Genome Res


Kociucka B,Szczerbal I,Bugaj S,Orsztynowicz M,Switonski M




Has Abstract


2014-01-01 00:00:00














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