Approaches to the vaccination of pregnant women: experience from Stockport, UK, with prenatal influenza.


:For the 2010/11 influenza season the prenatal vaccination program was extended to all women in England and Wales irrespective of gestational age--this was a considerable shift in practice for both pregnant women and healthcare providers where the emphasis previously had been only on targeted vaccination for pregnant women with adverse risk factors for influenza infection. This paper will describe the program's operation in Stockport, UK during this season when uptake was among the highest in the England and Wales. Stockport is situated in the south east of Greater Manchester. It is a generally affluent area with a population of 295,000. Health indicators are generally higher than the regional average. The target population for influenza is just under 50,000 residents (excluding pregnant women).


Hum Vaccin Immunother


Baxter D




Has Abstract


2013-06-01 00:00:00














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