Recognition of differentiation antigens of spermatogenesis in the mouse by using antibodies from spleen cell-myeloma hybrids after syngeneic immunization.


:Two differentiation antigens of spermatogenesis in the mouse are defined by monoclonal antibodies from hybridomas produced between the myeloma P3-X63Ag8 and spleen lymphocytes immunized with syngeneic testis cells. These antigens are on testis cells, and not liver, kidney, brain, spleen, or whole ovary. They are species but not strain specific and trypsin sensitive but collagenase insensitive. On the basis of their appearance during the onset of spermatogenesis they appear to be differentiation antigens expressed during different but overlapping time windows during spermatogenesis.


Bechtol KB,Brown SC,Kennett RH




Has Abstract


1979-01-01 00:00:00












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