The effect of a Titanocene Dichloride derivative, Ti IV (C5H5)(2) NCS(2), on the haematopoietic response of Ehrlich tumour-bearing mice.


:The effects of the [Ti IV (C(5)H(5))(2) NCS(2)] metallocene (BCDT), a Titanocene Dichloride derivative, on the growth and differentiation of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells [colony-forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM)] and bone marrow cellularity in normal and Ehrlich ascites tumour-bearing mice were studied. As expected for the Ehrlich ascites tumour-model, concomitant myelosuppression, increased number of spleen CFU-GM and changes in bone marrow cellularity were observed. The treatment of Ehrlich ascites tumour-bearing mice with BCDT (10-30 mg/kg/day) produced a dose-dependent increase in myelopoiesis, a reduction in splenic colonies and a restoration in the total and differential marrow cell counts. We also observed an increase in CFU-GM number when bone marrow cells obtained from normal mice were incubated in vitro with serum from normal mice treated with BCDT. In addition, BCDT prolonged, in a dose-dependent manner, the survival of mice inoculated with Ehrlich ascites tumour. Although it has been previously reported that substitutions in the two halides of the titanocene do not interfere with antitumoural effect, our results with BCDT demonstrated a reduction in antitumour efficacy when compared to previous results with the original titanocene produced in our laboratory.


Eur J Pharmacol


Valadares MC,Queiroz ML





Has Abstract


2002-03-29 00:00:00














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