Different bioactivities of human thyrotropin receptors with different signal peptides.


:For investigation of the mechanism and pathogenesis of Graves' disease, availability of a large amount of functional human thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) capable of recognition by Graves' autoantibodies is essential. Many attempts have been made to produce the extracellular domain of TSH receptor (TSHRE) in a baculovirus expression system. However, the receptor is expressed as an insoluble form and the refolded protein is often not recognized by the autoantibodies. In this study, we found that the TSHRE expressed with its own signal peptide (VL3-RE) in insect cells is retained inside of the cells and found in both soluble and insoluble fractions in equal proportion. The signal peptide is not removed. The receptor in the soluble fraction is not recognized by either TSH or Graves' autoantibodies. The TSHRE with an insect-specific mellitin signal peptide (Mel-RE) is also retained inside of the cell and found in both the soluble and insoluble fractions in equal proportion. However, the signal peptide is removed and the receptor is recognized by the Graves' autoantibodies but not by TSH. Also, the amount of Mel-RE expressed was 5-10-fold higher than VL3-RE. The two receptor preparations apparently have the same degree of glycosylation as evidenced by the same increased mass (approximately 15 kDa) due to glycosylation. However, the two receptors have different affinity for an anion-exchange resin and different pI. Deglycosylated receptors have the same pI. This suggests that the composition of sugars may be different. Taken together, the results suggest that the two receptors are modified and folded differently by different pathways due to the presence of different signal peptides. Use of an insect-specific signal peptide is recommended for expression of TSHR that is recognized by Graves' autoantibodies in a baculovirus system.


Mol Cell Endocrinol


Park JY,Lee J,Cho BY,Chae CB





Has Abstract


1999-01-25 00:00:00












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