Induction and maintenance of autonomous flock house virus RNA1 replication.


:The nodavirus flock house virus (FHV) has a bipartite, positive-sense, RNA genome that encodes the catalytic subunit of the RNA replicase and the viral capsid protein precursor on separate genomic segments (RNA1 and RNA2, respectively). RNA1 can replicate autonomously when transfected into permissive cells, allowing study of the kinetics of RNA1 replication in the absence of either RNA2 or capsid proteins. However, RNA1 replication ceases ca. 3 days after transfection despite the presence of replication-competent RNA. We examined this inhibition by inducing the expression of RNA1 in cells from a cDNA copy that was under the control of a hormone-regulated RNA polymerase II promoter. This system reproduced the shutoff of RNA replication when DNA-templated primary transcription was turned off. Continued primary transcription partially alleviated the shutoff and maintained the rate of RNA replication for several days at a steady-state level approximately one-third that of the peak rate. After shutoff, RNA replication could be restored by transferring the resulting intracellular RNA to fresh cells or by reinducing primary transcription, indicating that cessation of replication occurred despite the competence of both the viral RNA and the cytoplasmic environment. These data suggest that there is a mechanism by which replication is shut off at late times after transfection, which may reflect the natural endpoint of the replicative cycle.


J Virol


Journal of virology


Johnson KL,Ball LA




Has Abstract


1999-10-01 00:00:00












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