Anterior chemotherapy in esophageal cancer.


:Front loading chemotherapy using methotrexate (200 mg/m2) alone or methotrexate (200 mg/m2) with cisplatin (20 mg/m2 daily for 5 days) was used in epidermoid carcinoma of esophagus. Evaluation after two courses showed objective response of 50% or greater in 48% of patients with methotrexate alone. Response rate was increased to 76.2% with addition of cisplatin to methotrexate. Small lesions (less than 10 cm) showed better response as compared to advanced cases. Therapy was generally well tolerated and good palliation was obtained even after the first course. Postchemotherpy treatment either with surgery or radiotherapy was tolerated without any major complications. The data confirm the short-term usefulness of initial chemotherapy with methotrexate and cisplatin in esophageal cancer. Results of prolonged follow-up will help to evaluate the role of front loading chemotherapy on long-term survival.






Advani SH,Saikia TK,Swaroop S,Ramakrishnan G,Nair CN,Dinshaw KA,Sharma S,Vyas JJ,Desai PB




Has Abstract


1985-10-01 00:00:00














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